What Is Whiplash?
Perhaps you or a loved one has been in an auto accident recently and there has been some neck pain or other problems since the accident. You might be wondering what whiplash is and whether you might have a legal claim as a result of the injuries.
The best thing to do is talk with an experienced attorney from Drennan Law Firm. With offices in Charleston and Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, our lawyers represent clients in a range of motor vehicle accident and other personal injury claims. We handle the most catastrophic injuries as well as more common injuries like whiplash and other soft tissue injuries. In all of our cases, our lawyers take a focused, aggressive approach to helping our clients obtain full compensation for their injuries and losses.
How Is Whiplash Caused?
In almost every case of whiplash, it is caused by sudden, violent movements of the neck back and forth, forward and back. The most common cause of whiplash is motor vehicle accidents, but it can also occur in other contexts like sports, falls from heights, and instances of physical abuse.
What Is Whiplash?
The violent motions that cause whiplash put extreme stress on the muscles, bones, disks, ligaments, etc. Whiplash is the term given to the injuries caused to these parts of the neck.
What Are The Symptoms Of Whiplash?
Neck pain is by far the most common symptom, but whiplash symptoms often include headaches, blurred vision, tingling in the arms and hands and other symptoms, as well.
Can I Bring A Lawsuit For Whiplash?
This question is about the seriousness of whiplash, whether it is a serious enough injury to justify a lawsuit. How serious does an injury need to be? There is no set minimum for seriousness of an injury before bringing legal action.
Whiplash is a plenty serious injury, with potentially lifelong complications and the need for ongoing medication and medical care.
With the right attorney who knows how to evaluate long-term injury impact and fight for compensation, the medical expenses and other damages caused by whiplash could be covered in full for the rest of your life.
Get The Help Of Experienced South Carolina Lawyers
The only way to know for sure whether you have a whiplash claim is to talk with an experienced attorney you can trust. Call us at 843-352-4149 or email our office today.