Police departments typically have at least a few officers on duty at any given time. However, there are times when there is a greater need for more officers on duty. In situations where local authorities can reasonably predict an uptick in dangerous or illegal...
Drennan Law Firm’s Blog
How someone’s diet could lead to a DUI charge
What humans eat can have a direct impact on their appearance, health and quality of life. People are often willing to embrace major dietary changes to improve their health or lose weight. There have been many fad diets over the years that people have embraced to...
How a DUI conviction can affect a driver’s career
Some people plead guilty immediately after getting charged with a driving under the influence (DUI) offense. They assume that avoiding trial is the best option available to them. People are often so focused on the possible criminal penalties of a DUI charge that they...
3 things to know when approaching a DUI checkpoint
Most drunk driving enforcement occurs on a case-by-case basis. Police officers responding to a crash report or conducting traffic stops screen individual drivers for signs of intoxication through the tests that they administer. Local police departments sometimes...
Alcohol metabolism: myths and realities
Every year (and sometimes several times within a year) I hear people defend their drinking before getting into their vehicle because they did something to metabolize the alcohol in their body. In our last post, we discussed if drinking coffee actually has that effect....
Can a cup of coffee help people sober up to drive home?
There are many tips that people utilize to avoid driving under the influence (DUI) charges. For example, some people count their drinks, while others insist on only patronizing places where they know the recipes and standards of service. Some people even invest in...
DUI Court in South Carolina: what you need to know
If you face DUI charges in South Carolina, you should know what options you have, including some that you may not be familiar with, like specialized or problem-solving courts, also known as DUI Courts. What are DUI Courts? These are specialized courts designed to...
A speeding ticket costs much more than the base fine
Speed limits exist for public safety, but they serve as a major source of frustration for many motorists. Quite a few drivers resent having rules that control how quickly they reach their destinations. Speeding is relatively common. It is one of the few legal...
3 ways losing a license after a DUI can cause hardship
The criminal courts have the power to hand down an assortment of different penalties in a driving under the influence (DUI) scenario. Drivers may end up serving time in state facilities. They may pay large fines in addition to any court costs they need to cover. It is...
3 defense options for those arrested at a DUI checkpoint
Police departments engage in regular traffic patrols to enforce the law and maintain public safety. Officers monitoring the behavior of drivers can conduct one-on-one traffic stops when they notice illegal activity. Occasionally, police departments want to engage in...
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Committed Criminal Defense In Charleston And Mt. Pleasant
Leading DUI defense representation you can rely on for 24/7 responsiveness, tenacious advocacy and extensive legal knowledge.