Whether you had some eggnog at Grandma’s house or an extra beer with your dinner, seeing a sobriety checkpoint ahead of you on the road can make you understandably nervous. You know that they’re looking for anybody who might be driving under the influence (DUI), and...
Month: November 2023
Police are on high alert for drunk drivers around the holidays
Police officers generally arrest motorists anytime that they notice concerning signs of intoxication at the wheel. They tend to request chemical testing after car crashes and during traffic stops if someone has been driving poorly or slurs their speech while talking...
Why it’s crucial to avoid a DUI on your record in South Carolina
Driving under the influence (DUI) infractions are some of the most common crimes committed in South Carolina. Some drivers get arrested because they cause crashes, but many end up prosecuted because of a traffic stop. They fail a breath test or show clear signs of...
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Committed Criminal Defense In Charleston And Mt. Pleasant
Leading DUI defense representation you can rely on for 24/7 responsiveness, tenacious advocacy and extensive legal knowledge.