If a driver is ever pulled over for the suspicion of drunk driving, the officer who stops them will try to determine if they’re impaired or if there’s something else going on. They have several tools they can use to try to determine what is true. One option that some...
Field Sobriety Tests
Overview of standardized field sobriety test variations
Police officers use field sobriety tests to determine whether someone is too impaired to drive. While many different tests can be done, only three are considered reliable enough to be admissible in court. The one-leg stand, horizontal gaze nystagmus and walk-and-turn...
3 reasons sobriety tests might be invalid
Sobriety tests are used by law enforcement officers to determine whether a driver is impaired by drugs or alcohol. These tests are designed to measure a person's ability to perform physical or mental tasks, and can be used as evidence in criminal cases under certain...
Can you practice to pass a field sobriety test?
If a South Carolina police officer suspects you of impaired driving, they will likely pull you over. After they ask you a few questions, they may then request that you exit the vehicle and perform a field sobriety test. The whole point of a field sobriety test is for...
How accurate are field sobriety tests?
South Carolina law enforcement officers rely on the field sobriety tests to gauge a driver’s ability to safely pilot the vehicle. While departments often rely on other tests to gain a clear understanding of the driver’s ability, the National Highway Traffic Safety...
Failed a field sobriety test? It may not be accurate
When you were stopped by an officer, he asked you for a breath sample. You took the Breathalyzer test, which came back at .06%. By law, you weren't over the per-se limit, but you did, allegedly, seem impaired.The officer decided to have you perform field sobriety...
What is the horizontal gaze nystagmus test, and is it accurate?
You went out for a night with friends, and you had a little too much to drink. Despite knowing that you'd ingested some alcohol, you didn't think it was enough to make you a dangerous driver.Several minutes later, you had to swerve to avoid a small animal in the road....
Sobriety tests aren’t always right: Here’s why
If you're stopped by the authorities, they may state that they want you to take a field sobriety test, especially if you take a Breathalyzer test and have a blood alcohol content that is close to .08%. The goal of field sobriety testing is to see if you're impaired or...
Failed a field sobriety test? You can still be innocent
As someone who didn't have much to drink, you were surprised when you didn't pass your sobriety tests when stopped by police. You knew you hadn't had enough to drink to be intoxicated. Somehow, you were unable to stand the right way or walk as balanced as the police...
What’s involved in a field sobriety test?
Field sobriety tests are an important part of the evidence gathering process for police officers who conduct a suspected DUI stop in South Carolina. Because Breathalyzer test results -- and the results of other types of blood alcohol tests -- can sometimes be thrown...
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