Checkpoints involve police officers screening people who pass a certain point on the road for a particular safety issue. People who get arrested at checkpoints and those who worry about encountering them often have questions about these popular law enforcement tools....
DUI Checkpoints
Why do the summer holidays inspire such an uptick in drunk driving?
Researchers looking for trends in traffic collision data are often able to identify patterns. For example, there are certain times when particular types of collisions seem to occur more frequently. There is a strong association between major federal holidays and drunk...
Can the police take your property at a DUI checkpoint?
DUI checkpoints are a routine part of law enforcement efforts to help ensure road safety. Also known as sobriety checkpoints, these checkpoints are pre-established locations where law enforcement officers stop vehicles to assess drivers for signs of impairment. During...
DUI away from home: what happens if I get a DUI in another state?
If you are a South Carolina resident and get arrested for a DUI in another state, you may wonder about the legal implications and where you will have to face consequences—in the state where you got arrested or in South Carolina? Firstly, if another state arrests you...
Can you avoid a DUI checkpoint in SC?
Whether you had some eggnog at Grandma’s house or an extra beer with your dinner, seeing a sobriety checkpoint ahead of you on the road can make you understandably nervous. You know that they’re looking for anybody who might be driving under the influence (DUI), and...
Is it illegal to drive away from a sobriety checkpoint?
Most of the time, when a driver is arrested on drunk driving charges, they get pulled over by the police prior to this arrest. Police officers need to have reasonable suspicion to stop a car. They can then make an arrest if they think that a driver is impaired. One...
The summer holidays may inspire sobriety checkpoints
Summer in South Carolina means barbecues, beach trips and family reunions. Summer means time away from school for children and more social opportunities for adults. This increased travel, tourism and pursuit of pleasure also means a likely uptick in certain types of...
What should drivers expect when approaching a DUI checkpoint?
There are many ways that South Carolina police officers help to enforce the state’s laws against drunk driving. They pull people over when their behavior leads an officer to suspect chemical impairment. They perform chemical tests on those involved in collisions. They...
2 reasons to raise questions about a DUI arrest at a checkpoint
Police officers can arrest people after a one-on-one interaction in traffic because they suspect intoxication. They can also arrest those involved in motor vehicle collisions who fail breath tests or admit to drinking before the wreck. Such targeted enforcement...
Can the use of CBD cause impairment and affect driving?
Marijuana legalization has been a very slow process for the most part. However, cannabidiol or CBD is legally for sale in many businesses in all 50 states. Most businesses tout CBD as a non-psychoactive solution and may recommend it to people for everything from...
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