Spartanburg Police Officer Charged with DUI

On Behalf of | Oct 23, 2014 | Drunk Driving Charges

A recent car crash has led to criminal charges for one South Carolina police officer. The 36-year-old man is employed as an officer with the Spartanburg Police Department. While there are few details available concerning the incident, it appears as if a one-vehicle car accident led to the man’s arrest on DUI charges.  

Spartanburg police were called to the scene of a one-vehicle accident on Cedar Springs Road. Upon arriving, they found that the driver of a Chevy Impala police car had apparently lost control of that vehicle and crashed into a tree. The crash took place at or around 11:30 a.m. on a Friday morning.

Because of department policy, the responding officers did not investigate the crash, and contacted the South Carolina Highway Patrol. There is no word on how long it took before the investigation began, or what led officers to suspect that the man had been drinking prior to the accident. No report of a blood-alcohol analysis was made, and it is not known if the officer submitted to any form of sobriety testing at the scene of the accident.

As this case moves forward, the officer charged with DUI has a lot to lose. Should be be convicted of drunk driving, serious career repercussions could follow. As he and his legal team prepare their response to these charges, the manner in which officers determined that alcohol played a causal role in the crash may play a central role. Additional details surrounding the accident and subsequent arrest may be made available to South Carolina readers.

Source:, “SCHP: Police officer charged with DUI after accident“, Oct. 17, 2014

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