One of the most difficult aspects of a South Carolina DUI arrest is the risk of losing one’s driving privileges. Indeed, without the ability to drive, the average South Carolina resident will be severely debilitated. We depend on our cars to drive us to and from work every day, we use them to take our children to school, and we use them to go grocery shopping.
At the Drennan Law Firm, one of our first orders of business when we take on a new DUI case is to help our clients try to keep their driving privileges. In order to do this, it is necessary to take the matter before an administrative law judge at the Department of Public Safety. It is essential that the hearing be requested within 30 days of the arrest in order to try an avoid an automatic license suspension.
The administrative hearing is essentially a mini-trial, which is performed by a hearing officer, and it can be somewhat technical in nature. As such, drivers who are represented by a lawyer who is well versed in DUI and implied consent laws will have a better chance of getting to keep their licenses.
At the Drennan Law Firm, we are happy to take on even the toughest intoxicated driving cases. Indeed, we are passionate about the aggressive defense of individual’s rights in South Carolina, and time and time again, we have seen the difference this makes at trial.
Our firm offers a free, no obligation initial consultation to drivers accused of DWI. We will listen to your story and advise you of the most appropriate next step in your case.