With the holiday season fast approaching, imagine driving home after celebrating Thanksgiving, Christmas or another holiday at a relative’s house. As you look down the road, you notice flashing lights on the horizon. You get closer and you realize that those lights are not part of a seasonal display – they are part of a DUI checkpoint, where drivers are being pulled over without reasonable suspicion that they are under the influence.
Now, imagine that you’ve arrived at this scene after having a couple of drinks while celebrating the holidays. While you are pretty sure that you aren’t in violation of the law, the flashing lights and police presence make you begin to question yourself and wonder if perhaps your blood alcohol content isn’t within legal limits. Even if you aren’t over the limit, being stopped at the checkpoint leaves you scared, nervous and with many questions about what to expect.
What should you do?
Get The Answers You Need, BEFORE You Need To Use Them
While holiday season means that DUI checkpoints in South Carolina will be abundant, the reality is that these checkpoints are not limited to this time of year; they are used with relative frequency year-round. Due to this, it is important to educate yourself so that you are prepared to assert your rights if you are stopped.
In our full DUI checkpoint guide, we address one of the most common questions about these stops (are they even legal?) and then provide information about what to do if you find yourself stopped at one of these checkpoints. Some of the highlights include:
- Stay calm and to avoid any disruptive behavior
- You do not have to agree to a breath test, but you may lose your license if you refuse
- You do not have to answer any questions, especially those that might be incriminating
Stay safe this holiday season, and if you find yourself needing legal assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at Drennan Law Firm.
If You Have Already Been Arrested On Suspicion Of DUI…

If you or a family member have been arrested, immediately ask to consult with an attorney and inform the police that you will not be answering any questions without your attorney present. Without a lawyer present, you may accidentally make statements that seem harmless, but actually hurt your case and lead to harsher DUI penalties.