Driving under the influence (DUI) charges can result from someone driving after having too much to drink. The state can also prosecute individuals for under the influence of prohibited drugs or certain prescription medications while driving. Even over-the-counter medications, such as cough syrup, can impact a driver’s ability to safely operate a motor vehicle.
If police officers notice someone behaving strangely in traffic, they may pull them over and screen them for signs of impairment. Anyone who fails a chemical test or admits to using certain medications could be at risk of arrest and prosecution. In some cases, people expose themselves to significant risk of prosecution by combining substances. Those who drink and use medication or drugs may be at particularly high risk of DUI charges.
Many substances interact with each other
There is a reason that a doctor prescribing a medication or a pharmacist filling a prescription looks closely at the patient’s other medications and asks them about their personal habits. Many substances interact with each other in ways that could put the patient at risk.
They may have a synergistic effect when taken together. Synergistic reactions amplify the impact the substance has on the human body. Other times, a combination of substances can produce different reactions than either substance would on its own.
A variety of different drugs interact negatively with alcohol. People may feel particularly impaired or fatigued when they combine recreational drugs or prescription medication with alcohol. They may have severely diminished ability and may not notice their level of impairment. That is a very dangerous combination for a motorist.
They might make poor choices or struggle to maintain control over the vehicle. They could potentially cause crashes or draw the attention of any police officers they encounter in traffic. Even just one drink, which may not be enough to put someone over the legal limit, might be enough to impair their ability in a noticeable manner when they use other medications or consume recreational drugs at the same time.
Recognizing the factors that contribute to DUI arrest risk can help people make better choices about their personal activity whenever they may need to drive. A combination of medication with alcohol can be particularly dangerous for motorists.